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Presenting Design

Ideas for Design Reviews

These are great rules for starting a review session. They were borrowed from a collaborative workshop at Rockwell. They were listed on an introductory slide and reviewed at the beginning.

  1. Choose your own level of participation and disclosure. Accept personal responsibility for getting out of the session what you need.
  2. Listen to understand rather than to respond. Listen for the music as well as the words.
  3. Say what is true for you, while being respectful of others. Each person's perspective adds value to the group.
  4. Give yourself and others permission to not make sense. Learning occurs though exploring our confusions and apparent contradictions.
  5. Honor confidentiality. Share your feelings without putting others at risk. Ask for and gain permission before continuing a conversation.
  6. Become "comfortable" being "uncomfortable".
  7. Permission to respectfully accept or reject anything in the session. This is not about changing your personal values, but broadening your perspective and/or understanding by being open to hearing other points of view.
  8. Don't dominate the conversation. Be aware of how much you are contributing and let others have a moment to speak as well.