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- What projects are you most proud of at Collins?
- If there was one thing you wish you knew before you started at Collins what would it be?
- Can you talk on the day-to-day responsibilities or activities of this role?
- What do your days look like?
What is the path and time from a concept to launch on a product or platform at Collins?
How can a UX designer be successful in this role?
What do you enjoy most and least about working at collins?
- How has the company and/or team evolved and grown during your time?
- And where would you like to see it grow in the next few years?
- What are some of the challenges you’ve seen people in this role or on this team encounter?
- What’s are the biggest challenges Collins has faced in the past few years?
- What is the role of AI in your design process? How have you leveraged AI tools or techniques, and in which stages of design do you find them most impactful?
- Has Collins explored potential applications of AI in it’s products? If so, what considerations or challenges are shaping decisions?